ouyeah ouyeah!!!
since Yesterday this happened to me! ==
Yesterday, Wed, 29 September 2010
1. got 3 EXAMS, thats Bahasa Indonesia, Chemystri, and Biology (@____________@)
2. my friend chosen me to speech when school is birthday... (-_________________________-)
Today,30 September 2010
1. My HP was consleted by Rain
2. My new FD went out..
3. my key of motor almost went out too.. ==
30 Sep 2010
18 Sep 2010
oh oh oh, im not really sure to watched live power music, and do you know what?!
The show played SUPER JUNIOR !
oh oh oh, im not really sure to watched live power music, and do you know what?!
The show played SUPER JUNIOR !
17 Sep 2010
UVERworld - Ultimate (lyric + Translate)
Romaji :
Kokoro wa mo banzen o kishita ima
Fight to the end sono bigaku no naka de
Furikaereba seiatsu no josei
Sono hanki o hirugaesu keiko
Shinobiyoru kanzen yokusei no keihō saiakuna kēsu
Arano de kirisuteru onore no yowa-sa
Subete hakarau ketsudan no toki
Shōri no tame ni hijō ni nareru ka
Sono ba kara nigereba
Mō mirai wa nai-sō ashita mo nai
Sō sa sono saki ni aru hikari o sono saki ni aru hikari o
Just war
Tatta hitori no eraba reshi to Amazing Shining
Nige o utazu susumeba hakuhyō o fumu yōna hibi mo arudarou
Just war
Tokitoshite saiai no tomo tomo hijōna senritsu
shii rareru wa Kyūkyoku no kachinokoru tame no sentaku
Iwaba sore wa jodan meita hosoku de
Hitori hitotsu kubara reta tatakai
Fufukuna kaode soredeite bokura wa
"Kono mamade ii" nante owara sete ii hazu nai
Just war
Tatta hitori no eraba reshi to Amazing Shining
Nige o utazu susumeba hakuhyō o fumu yōna hibi mo arudarou
Just war
Tokitoshite saiai no tomo tomo hijōna senritsu
shii rareru wa Kyūkyoku no kachinokoru tame no sentaku
Final preparation, you make up your mind
Stand up for what you fight for
Do you see the future lit up with the hope ?
Do you see the future lit up with the hope ?
Just war
Tatta hitori no eraba reshi to Amazing Shining
Nige o utazu susumeba hakuhyō o fumu yōna hibi mo arudarou
Just war
Tokitoshite saiai no tomo tomo hijōna senritsu
shii rareru wa Kyūkyoku no kachinokoru tame no sentaku
translate :
Just War
Fear forced cruel sometimes even a beloved friendThe ultimate choice for the win
That sort of law is a joke, so to speakOne person was dealt a fight
And yet we look at the appeal
"I leave the" I can not have a good finish
Just War
Of a single person Chosen People Amazing Shining
There will be a day like walking on thin ice if we proceed to the relief
Just War
Fear forced cruel sometimes even a beloved friend
The ultimate choice for the win
Final preparation, you make up your mind
Stand up for what you fight for
Do you see the future lit up with the hope?
Do you see the future lit up with the hope?
Just War
Of a single person Chosen People Amazing Shining
A continued to flee
There will be days like walking on thin ice
Just War
Fear forced cruel sometimes even a beloved friend
The ultimate choice for the win
Kokoro wa mo banzen o kishita ima
Fight to the end sono bigaku no naka de
Furikaereba seiatsu no josei
Sono hanki o hirugaesu keiko
Shinobiyoru kanzen yokusei no keihō saiakuna kēsu
Arano de kirisuteru onore no yowa-sa
Subete hakarau ketsudan no toki
Shōri no tame ni hijō ni nareru ka
Sono ba kara nigereba
Mō mirai wa nai-sō ashita mo nai
Sō sa sono saki ni aru hikari o sono saki ni aru hikari o
Just war
Tatta hitori no eraba reshi to Amazing Shining
Nige o utazu susumeba hakuhyō o fumu yōna hibi mo arudarou
Just war
Tokitoshite saiai no tomo tomo hijōna senritsu
shii rareru wa Kyūkyoku no kachinokoru tame no sentaku
Iwaba sore wa jodan meita hosoku de
Hitori hitotsu kubara reta tatakai
Fufukuna kaode soredeite bokura wa
"Kono mamade ii" nante owara sete ii hazu nai
Just war
Tatta hitori no eraba reshi to Amazing Shining
Nige o utazu susumeba hakuhyō o fumu yōna hibi mo arudarou
Just war
Tokitoshite saiai no tomo tomo hijōna senritsu
shii rareru wa Kyūkyoku no kachinokoru tame no sentaku
Final preparation, you make up your mind
Stand up for what you fight for
Do you see the future lit up with the hope ?
Do you see the future lit up with the hope ?
Just war
Tatta hitori no eraba reshi to Amazing Shining
Nige o utazu susumeba hakuhyō o fumu yōna hibi mo arudarou
Just war
Tokitoshite saiai no tomo tomo hijōna senritsu
shii rareru wa Kyūkyoku no kachinokoru tame no sentaku
translate :
Ketikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau terjemahkan dokumen.
I already committed my heart
Fight to the end of aesthetics in
If you look at the situation in control
Abide by the tendency to rebel against
The worst case of complete suppression creeping alert
Truncate the weakness of his own in the wilderness
When all the talk over the decision
I can become cruel to victory
If you run away from the spot
So tomorrow there is no future anymore
The light that lies ahead is so light that lies ahead
Just War
Of a single person Chosen People Amazing Shining
There will be a day like walking on thin ice if we proceed to the relief
Fight to the end of aesthetics in
If you look at the situation in control
Abide by the tendency to rebel against
The worst case of complete suppression creeping alert
Truncate the weakness of his own in the wilderness
When all the talk over the decision
I can become cruel to victory
If you run away from the spot
So tomorrow there is no future anymore
The light that lies ahead is so light that lies ahead
Just War
Of a single person Chosen People Amazing Shining
There will be a day like walking on thin ice if we proceed to the relief
Just War
Fear forced cruel sometimes even a beloved friendThe ultimate choice for the win
That sort of law is a joke, so to speakOne person was dealt a fight
And yet we look at the appeal
"I leave the" I can not have a good finish
Just War
Of a single person Chosen People Amazing Shining
There will be a day like walking on thin ice if we proceed to the relief
Just War
Fear forced cruel sometimes even a beloved friend
The ultimate choice for the win
Final preparation, you make up your mind
Stand up for what you fight for
Do you see the future lit up with the hope?
Do you see the future lit up with the hope?
Just War
Of a single person Chosen People Amazing Shining
A continued to flee
There will be days like walking on thin ice
Just War
Fear forced cruel sometimes even a beloved friend
The ultimate choice for the win
Psikotest dari temen FB (?)
> > must try this. Tapi kalian bener-bener jangan ngeliat
> > jawabannya di bawah ya.. ikutin aja instruksi2nya, dijamin
> > deh bakal kaget liat hasilnya, gue aja masih terheranheran
> > dan geleng2 kepala.. tapi mikirnya jangan lama2,
> > apa yang ada di hati kamu aja
> > tapi bukan berarti asal2an loooohh..
> > Psikotest ini diambil dari email internet,
> > diterjemahkan oleh orang tersebut dari bahasa
> > asalnya Japanese. Anda akan menemukan hasil
> > yang sangat mengejutkan.
> > Orang yang memikirkan game ini,
> > konon sesudah membaca mail ini,
> > harapannya dapat terkabul. Pasti anda akan
> > terkejut melihat hasilnya.!!!
> > Cuma janji dulu!
> > Pertama-tama siapkan bolpen dan kertas...
> > Waktu memilih nama, anda harus memilih orang
> > yang anda kenal. Jangan terlalu banyak mikir,
> > tulislah apa yang ada di kepala anda.
> > INGAT : Maju satu paragraf per paragraf...
> > Kalau anda membaca kelanjutannya, Permohonan
> > anda tidak akan terkabul.
> > 1.. Pertama-tama tulis angka 1 sampai sebelas di
> > kertas anda secara vertikal (atas ke bawah)
> > 2.. Tulis angka yang paling kamu senang (antara 1-
> > 11) disebelah angka No.1 dan 2
> > 3.. Tulis 2 nama orang (lawan jenis) yang kamu
> > kenal, masing-masing di No.3 dan No.7
> > 4.. Tulis 3 nama orang yang kamu kenal di No.4, 5,
> > dan 6. Disini kamu boleh menulis nama orang di
> > keluarga, teman, kenalan. Siapapun OK. Cuma
> > harus yang kamu kenal
> > 5.. Di no.8, 9, 10 dan 11 kamu tulis nama judul>> > lagu yang berbeda-beda
> > 6.. Terakhir, tulis kamu punya permohonan.
> > (Kamu minta permohonan)
NAH........... dibawah ini ada jawaban dari psikotest-nya mudah-mudahan cocok jawabannya.
> > 1.. Anda harus memberitahu ke orang yang anda
> > tulis di No. 7 tentang psi kotest ini.
> > 2.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.3 adalah orang
> > yang kamu cintai.
> > 3.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.7 adalah orang
> > yang kamu suka, tetapi bertepuk sebelah tangan.
> > 4.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.4 adalah orang
> > yang anda rasa paling penting bagi anda.
> > 5.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.5 adalah orang
> > yang paling mengerti tentang anda.
> > 6.. Orang yang anda tulis di No. 6 adalah orang
> > yang membawa keberuntungan pada anda.
> > 7.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no. 8 adalah lagu yang
> > ditujukan untuk orang No.3
> > 8.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no.9 adalah lagu yang
> > ditujukan untuk orangNo.7
> > 9.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no.10 adalah lagu yang
> > melukiskan apa yang ada di hati anda.
> > 10.. Terakhir, lagu yang anda tulis di No.11 adalah
> > lagu yang melukiskan hidup anda.
> > Anda harus mengirimkan email ini ke 20 orang dalam waktu 1 jam.> > Dengan begitu, permohonan anda akan dikabulkan. Kalau anda
> > tidak mengirimkannya, niscaya permohonan anda akan terjadi yang sebaliknya
aku udah coba itu dan hasilnnya sama
cobain juga ya :)
> > jawabannya di bawah ya.. ikutin aja instruksi2nya, dijamin
> > deh bakal kaget liat hasilnya, gue aja masih terheranheran
> > dan geleng2 kepala.. tapi mikirnya jangan lama2,
> > apa yang ada di hati kamu aja
> > tapi bukan berarti asal2an loooohh..
> > Psikotest ini diambil dari email internet,
> > diterjemahkan oleh orang tersebut dari bahasa
> > asalnya Japanese. Anda akan menemukan hasil
> > yang sangat mengejutkan.
> > Orang yang memikirkan game ini,
> > konon sesudah membaca mail ini,
> > harapannya dapat terkabul. Pasti anda akan
> > terkejut melihat hasilnya.!!!
> > Cuma janji dulu!
> > Pertama-tama siapkan bolpen dan kertas...
> > Waktu memilih nama, anda harus memilih orang
> > yang anda kenal. Jangan terlalu banyak mikir,
> > tulislah apa yang ada di kepala anda.
> > INGAT : Maju satu paragraf per paragraf...
> > Kalau anda membaca kelanjutannya, Permohonan
> > anda tidak akan terkabul.
> > 1.. Pertama-tama tulis angka 1 sampai sebelas di
> > kertas anda secara vertikal (atas ke bawah)
> > 2.. Tulis angka yang paling kamu senang (antara 1-
> > 11) disebelah angka No.1 dan 2
> > 3.. Tulis 2 nama orang (lawan jenis) yang kamu
> > kenal, masing-masing di No.3 dan No.7
> > 4.. Tulis 3 nama orang yang kamu kenal di No.4, 5,
> > dan 6. Disini kamu boleh menulis nama orang di
> > keluarga, teman, kenalan. Siapapun OK. Cuma
> > harus yang kamu kenal
> > 5.. Di no.8, 9, 10 dan 11 kamu tulis nama judul>> > lagu yang berbeda-beda
> > 6.. Terakhir, tulis kamu punya permohonan.
> > (Kamu minta permohonan)
NAH........... dibawah ini ada jawaban dari psikotest-nya mudah-mudahan cocok jawabannya.
> > 1.. Anda harus memberitahu ke orang yang anda
> > tulis di No. 7 tentang psi kotest ini.
> > 2.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.3 adalah orang
> > yang kamu cintai.
> > 3.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.7 adalah orang
> > yang kamu suka, tetapi bertepuk sebelah tangan.
> > 4.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.4 adalah orang
> > yang anda rasa paling penting bagi anda.
> > 5.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.5 adalah orang
> > yang paling mengerti tentang anda.
> > 6.. Orang yang anda tulis di No. 6 adalah orang
> > yang membawa keberuntungan pada anda.
> > 7.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no. 8 adalah lagu yang
> > ditujukan untuk orang No.3
> > 8.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no.9 adalah lagu yang
> > ditujukan untuk orangNo.7
> > 9.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no.10 adalah lagu yang
> > melukiskan apa yang ada di hati anda.
> > 10.. Terakhir, lagu yang anda tulis di No.11 adalah
> > lagu yang melukiskan hidup anda.
> > Anda harus mengirimkan email ini ke 20 orang dalam waktu 1 jam.> > Dengan begitu, permohonan anda akan dikabulkan. Kalau anda
> > tidak mengirimkannya, niscaya permohonan anda akan terjadi yang sebaliknya
aku udah coba itu dan hasilnnya sama
cobain juga ya :)
UVERworld - Wakasa Yue Entelechia (lyric + translate)
lyric :
Kurayami mau areru sono haitenshon
hazumu bītofuroa sorya mata betā
Dare mo kare mo yosete ageyou
shūgō feromon-kun o daujingu
Dai roku kankakudokoroka kankaku ni jū aru subete o
Kono te no sentaku nante abauto, hai!
Karada ga hoshii dake karada ga hoshii dake
Otome no furi shita tte sugu ni kimi wa isshi matowazu...
Urei no boys & girls kanashimi to yorokobi no
iro ni somatta me no naka jidai o tokashite iku
Waka sugiru boku-tachi wa uragiri mo ayamachi mo
jibun de tamesanakya riaru janai
Ossha koi! Ossha no koi! Yossha koi!
Chū o mau kimi no hirate binta
kawasu taimingu korya mata betā
Ude no naka de kimi no koto o
shibaritsukete tojikometai yo
Kanzen gōman nante hanatsu anta mo chotto wakarudesho?
Sono te no shitsumon nante yabode kudarana iya iya itai itai iya iya
Urei no boys & Girls yokubari ni tomodachi no
taisetsuna hito made hoshi ga tari shite
Waka sugiru boku-tachi wa uragiri mo ayamachi mo
Jibun de tamesanakya riaru janai sō nodaro?
Zenbu hoshi gatte iru zenbu hoshi gatte iru
24-Ji o sugita koro mezamete shiawase-kai ni iko
Fuwafuwa noronoro atsumaru machi no tomusōya
Zenbu jibun de kimeta nda
Zenbu jibun de kimeta nda
Zenbu jibun de eranda nda
Zenbu jibun de eranda nda
karada ga hoshii dake karada ga hoshii dake
Kireina koi nante dorama no naka dake desho
Sore mo waka teru sore mo waka teru
Yogoreta mama no yokoshimana hi no yume
Urei no boys & girls kanashimi to yorokobi no
iro ni somatta me no naka jidai o tokashite iku
Waka sugiru boku-tachi wa uragiri mo ayamachi mo
Jibun de tamesanakya riaru janai-sō nodaro?
24-Ji o sugita koro mezamete shiawase-kai ni iko
Fuwafuwa noronoro atsumaru machi no tomusōya
Kōkai ni makeru hodo yawara janai
Ossha koi! Ossha no koi! Yossha koi!
Well sprung floor and high tension
Better beat the dark stormy dance
Dowsing you asked him to raise the aggregation pheromone everyone
Far from feeling a sense of all six of twelve
About this kind of choice I YES!
I just want just want your body body
What you as soon as a girl waving a stitch ...
The boys & girls go to grief in the eyes during melt dyed the color of joy and sorrow
We are too young to be not real , betrayal by his own
Come Ossha! Ossha Come! Yossha Come!
Absorbing slap and dodge better when you dance in the air
things strapped to your arm in
You know you look a little bloated I complete?
No pain hurts and I hate hate rudeness in that kind of question
The grief for boys & girls from loved ones and friends wanted to greedy
We also too young to be treacherous
You do not own real ?
He wants everything he wants everything happy to wake up early to buy 24 past the hour
Tom Sawyer's town meeting slowly fluffy
I decided it all
I decided it all
I picked them all yourself
I picked them all yourself
I just want just want your body body
You just do a love drama in a beautiful
I know that I know too well that
Still devious dirty day dream
The boys & girls go to grief in the eyes during melt dyed the color of joy and sorrow
We also too young to be treacherous
You do not own real ?
happy to wake up early to buy 24 past the hour
Tom Sawyer's town meeting slowly fluffy
Not flexible enough to regret losing
Come Ossha! Ossha Come! Yossha Come!
Kurayami mau areru sono haitenshon
hazumu bītofuroa sorya mata betā
Dare mo kare mo yosete ageyou
shūgō feromon-kun o daujingu
Dai roku kankakudokoroka kankaku ni jū aru subete o
Kono te no sentaku nante abauto, hai!
Karada ga hoshii dake karada ga hoshii dake
Otome no furi shita tte sugu ni kimi wa isshi matowazu...
Urei no boys & girls kanashimi to yorokobi no
iro ni somatta me no naka jidai o tokashite iku
Waka sugiru boku-tachi wa uragiri mo ayamachi mo
jibun de tamesanakya riaru janai
Ossha koi! Ossha no koi! Yossha koi!
Chū o mau kimi no hirate binta
kawasu taimingu korya mata betā
Ude no naka de kimi no koto o
shibaritsukete tojikometai yo
Kanzen gōman nante hanatsu anta mo chotto wakarudesho?
Sono te no shitsumon nante yabode kudarana iya iya itai itai iya iya
Urei no boys & Girls yokubari ni tomodachi no
taisetsuna hito made hoshi ga tari shite
Waka sugiru boku-tachi wa uragiri mo ayamachi mo
Jibun de tamesanakya riaru janai sō nodaro?
Zenbu hoshi gatte iru zenbu hoshi gatte iru
24-Ji o sugita koro mezamete shiawase-kai ni iko
Fuwafuwa noronoro atsumaru machi no tomusōya
Zenbu jibun de kimeta nda
Zenbu jibun de kimeta nda
Zenbu jibun de eranda nda
Zenbu jibun de eranda nda
karada ga hoshii dake karada ga hoshii dake
Kireina koi nante dorama no naka dake desho
Sore mo waka teru sore mo waka teru
Yogoreta mama no yokoshimana hi no yume
Urei no boys & girls kanashimi to yorokobi no
iro ni somatta me no naka jidai o tokashite iku
Waka sugiru boku-tachi wa uragiri mo ayamachi mo
Jibun de tamesanakya riaru janai-sō nodaro?
24-Ji o sugita koro mezamete shiawase-kai ni iko
Fuwafuwa noronoro atsumaru machi no tomusōya
Kōkai ni makeru hodo yawara janai
Ossha koi! Ossha no koi! Yossha koi!
Well sprung floor and high tension
Better beat the dark stormy dance
Dowsing you asked him to raise the aggregation pheromone everyone
Far from feeling a sense of all six of twelve
About this kind of choice I YES!
I just want just want your body body
What you as soon as a girl waving a stitch ...
The boys & girls go to grief in the eyes during melt dyed the color of joy and sorrow
We are too young to be not real , betrayal by his own
Come Ossha! Ossha Come! Yossha Come!
Absorbing slap and dodge better when you dance in the air
things strapped to your arm in
You know you look a little bloated I complete?
No pain hurts and I hate hate rudeness in that kind of question
The grief for boys & girls from loved ones and friends wanted to greedy
We also too young to be treacherous
You do not own real ?
He wants everything he wants everything happy to wake up early to buy 24 past the hour
Tom Sawyer's town meeting slowly fluffy
I decided it all
I decided it all
I picked them all yourself
I picked them all yourself
I just want just want your body body
You just do a love drama in a beautiful
I know that I know too well that
Still devious dirty day dream
The boys & girls go to grief in the eyes during melt dyed the color of joy and sorrow
We also too young to be treacherous
You do not own real ?
happy to wake up early to buy 24 past the hour
Tom Sawyer's town meeting slowly fluffy
Not flexible enough to regret losing
Come Ossha! Ossha Come! Yossha Come!
Baca secara fonetik
15 Sep 2010
Someone at FB though me that i was a chines girl!!
ahahahaha, so funny
i just practice my english..
but she though me that i was a chinese girl!
no, no , no!
im not a chinese girl, im an indonesian!!! and dont forget that i was Javanese girl.. :-D
i just practice my english..
but she though me that i was a chinese girl!
no, no , no!
im not a chinese girl, im an indonesian!!! and dont forget that i was Javanese girl.. :-D
14 Sep 2010
huuuuuhhhhhh !!! DONT ASK TO ME TO CHANGE MY STYLE ~!! SO WHAT?!?!!?!?
huuuhhh, annoy!!!!
someone in my FB ask me that i was boy or girl!?
so, i just answered that u could to think that, im not angry if u think me boy or girl (although im a girl)
ang finnaly, he would to look my self, so i answered,
"hei, why u want to look it?!"
and finally he said that i had to change my style!!!!
someone in my FB ask me that i was boy or girl!?
so, i just answered that u could to think that, im not angry if u think me boy or girl (although im a girl)
ang finnaly, he would to look my self, so i answered,
"hei, why u want to look it?!"
and finally he said that i had to change my style!!!!
9 Sep 2010
not perfeck
Huh, fasting this year is not clear and perfeck
im so sad when Id day,
i did not pray ==
because my mom didnt, and my father with my bro have gone =.=
poor me, i felt that my fasting was perfeck
this year, ==
im so sad when Id day,
i did not pray ==
because my mom didnt, and my father with my bro have gone =.=
poor me, i felt that my fasting was perfeck
this year, ==
7 Sep 2010
Japan, Korea, Australia, China, and Singapore ! >w< i wanna go to there!
Wawawawa, im interesting with them!
Japan -> i wanna study their language and their Culture, then, i wanna look sakura
Korea -> i wanna study how to dance and their language
Australia -> i wanna look kangoroo, i wanna
prove something because of my teacher said that Australia studied Indonesian or Bahasa
China -> just wanna see the great wall and want to eat their traditional food
Singapore -> when i was 5 y.o, i
was joined by my parents to go there
Through Batam, but, did not happen because of something
nah, thats my reason why i wanna go there,
i do not give up to study english more than this !
Pray for me, All!
Japan -> i wanna study their language and their Culture, then, i wanna look sakura
Korea -> i wanna study how to dance and their language
Australia -> i wanna look kangoroo, i wanna
prove something because of my teacher said that Australia studied Indonesian or Bahasa
China -> just wanna see the great wall and want to eat their traditional food
Singapore -> when i was 5 y.o, i
was joined by my parents to go there
Through Batam, but, did not happen because of something
nah, thats my reason why i wanna go there,
i do not give up to study english more than this !
Pray for me, All!
Im so jealous ToT
Huhu, someone who have 2 Citizens , moreover from japan and Korea, i always feel jealous,
i cant accept the truth that my citizen only Indonesia
but, sometimes i thing, im lucky have been born here, haha,
u never can read what i think, but...
Allah have a plan why i have been born in Indonesia,
although like this, i have excess who dont have in anyone,
When will u be Japan? XD
*dreaming again*
btw, i have a dream to go to aboard, so, start this, i'll speak English to Fill my blog with my experient, ;D
i cant accept the truth that my citizen only Indonesia
but, sometimes i thing, im lucky have been born here, haha,
u never can read what i think, but...
Allah have a plan why i have been born in Indonesia,
although like this, i have excess who dont have in anyone,
When will u be Japan? XD
*dreaming again*
btw, i have a dream to go to aboard, so, start this, i'll speak English to Fill my blog with my experient, ;D
6 Sep 2010
Bosaaaaan !
Dunia sempit =,=
neraka ! Dx
huhuhu, pingin sesuatu yang baru,
apa aja gitu
rasanya mau banget aku punya pacar =,=
tp mana ada yg mau kalau tingkahku kayak cowok XDb
neraka ! Dx
huhuhu, pingin sesuatu yang baru,
apa aja gitu
rasanya mau banget aku punya pacar =,=
tp mana ada yg mau kalau tingkahku kayak cowok XDb
5 Sep 2010
Yu Horie - Silky Heart
My Silky Love nijuuyon jikan zutto
My Silky Love kimi no koto omou tabi
My Silky Love modokashii kono kimochi
My Silky Love tada afurekaetteku
Suki to ieba kantan na no ni
Kimi ga mae ni kichau to
Kyara ga sobie watashi no koto o jamashiteru
Itsumo naraba tsuyoki de ikeru
Sonna seikaku na no ni
Donna ganbatte mite mo kabe wa kuzusenai
Sasshite hoshii kono kimochi o
Dakara watashi wa itsumo kimi ni
Daisuki da yo to okuru shisen
Saidai no yuuki de
Yaburesou na shiruku no haato
Kimi ni atte kizuita yatto
Ai ni wa bukiyou dattan datte
Wasurekaketa koi no kizuato
Kyuu ni uzukidashita no kyun to
Itsuka wa watashi rashiku suki to
Iwanakya?ima yori yowaku nacchau yo
Suki to ieba raku ni nareru no
Honto wakatteru no ni
Kuchi ni shitara kimi ga hanarete shimaisou
Donna fuu ni omotten darou
Kimi wa watashi no koto o
Ima no kyori wa tan ni tomodachi nan darou na
Kireigoto kamo shirenai kedo
Kizutsukitakunai tada sore dake
Nante jibun ni iikikaseta
Nigeteru dake da yo ne
Yaburesou na shiruku no haato
Kondo kizutsuita nara kitto
Nido to dare mo aisenaku nacchau
Mune ni hibiku sakesouna oto
Kaban no soko ni aru yo kitto
Ano hi shimaiwasureta mama no
Sooingu kitto ga dokoka ni aru hazu?
Nijuuyon jikan zutto
My Silky Love kimi no koto omou tabi
My Silky Love modokashii kono kimochi
My Silky Love tada afurekaetteku
My Silky Love nijuuyon jikan zutto
My Silky Love kimi no koto omou tabi
My Silky Love modokashii kono kimochi
My Silky Love tada afurekaetteku
Yaburesou na shiruku no haato
Kimi ni atte kizuita yatto
Ai ni wa bukiyou dattan datte
Yowasa o kakusu tame ni waza to
Tsuyogatteta to shite mo kitto
Itsuka wa watashi rashiku suki to
Kimi ni kono kimochi o chanto tsutaeyou
My Silky Love nijuuyon jikan zutto
My Silky Love kimi no koto omou tabi
My Silky Love modokashii kono kimochi
My Silky Love tada afurekaetteku
Suki to ieba kantan na no ni
Kimi ga mae ni kichau to
Kyara ga sobie watashi no koto o jamashiteru
Itsumo naraba tsuyoki de ikeru
Sonna seikaku na no ni
Donna ganbatte mite mo kabe wa kuzusenai
Sasshite hoshii kono kimochi o
Dakara watashi wa itsumo kimi ni
Daisuki da yo to okuru shisen
Saidai no yuuki de
Yaburesou na shiruku no haato
Kimi ni atte kizuita yatto
Ai ni wa bukiyou dattan datte
Wasurekaketa koi no kizuato
Kyuu ni uzukidashita no kyun to
Itsuka wa watashi rashiku suki to
Iwanakya?ima yori yowaku nacchau yo
Suki to ieba raku ni nareru no
Honto wakatteru no ni
Kuchi ni shitara kimi ga hanarete shimaisou
Donna fuu ni omotten darou
Kimi wa watashi no koto o
Ima no kyori wa tan ni tomodachi nan darou na
Kireigoto kamo shirenai kedo
Kizutsukitakunai tada sore dake
Nante jibun ni iikikaseta
Nigeteru dake da yo ne
Yaburesou na shiruku no haato
Kondo kizutsuita nara kitto
Nido to dare mo aisenaku nacchau
Mune ni hibiku sakesouna oto
Kaban no soko ni aru yo kitto
Ano hi shimaiwasureta mama no
Sooingu kitto ga dokoka ni aru hazu?
Nijuuyon jikan zutto
My Silky Love kimi no koto omou tabi
My Silky Love modokashii kono kimochi
My Silky Love tada afurekaetteku
My Silky Love nijuuyon jikan zutto
My Silky Love kimi no koto omou tabi
My Silky Love modokashii kono kimochi
My Silky Love tada afurekaetteku
Yaburesou na shiruku no haato
Kimi ni atte kizuita yatto
Ai ni wa bukiyou dattan datte
Yowasa o kakusu tame ni waza to
Tsuyogatteta to shite mo kitto
Itsuka wa watashi rashiku suki to
Kimi ni kono kimochi o chanto tsutaeyou
Nico Touches the Wall - Hologram (lyric)
Full Metal Amchemist Brotherhood op 2
Romaji :
masshiro na keshiki ni ima sasowarete
boku wa yuku yo
mada minu sekai e
maigo no mama tabi shiteita
nezumiiro no sora no shita
higawari no chizu
ikutsumo no yume ga nijiindeita
itsuka wa sa
chippoke na boku no kono hohaba demo
ano kumo no mukou made ikeru ka na
kizutsuita kokoro sukashita you ni
furidashita amatsubutachi ga
ranhansha kurikaesu
massugu na hikari ga kousa shite
ikusaki mo tsugenu mama
dokomademo tsukinukeru
awai zanzou
ryoume ni yakitsukete
todoku hazu nanda
mada minu sekai e
shirazu shirazu ni watteita no wa
shirokuro no sutekkaa de
daiji na mono
bokura wa kakushiteshimatteita
takara no ishi yori hana yori
hoshi no akari yori kirei na
"yume" to iu na no horoguramu o
zawameki o
hamidashite sakaratte
itsuka egaita fuukei
kuyashisa mo sabishisa mo ima
awa mitai ni hajiketobu
massugu na michi de
kasabuta hagaretara
ima yori kitto tsuyoku nareru
masshiro na keshiki ni ima sasowarete
boku wa yuku yo
mada minu sekai e
kasumu sora no saki ni
nijiiro no hikari
ashita no kage ni furueru tabi ni
tooku de boku o yobu koe ga shite
massugu na hikari ga
ameagari no gogo ni
taba ni natte furisosogu
mugen no guradeeshon ga ima mazariatte
kono sora no shita donna toko ni ite mo
kanarazu todoku hazu sa
mada minu sekai e
translate :
Invited by a pure white scenery now,
Ill go to a world that I still havent seen
As a lost child, I journeyed
Under the slate-gray sky.
Many dreams blotted through the map that changes daily.
Even with my strides as I am tiny -
I wonder if I can get to the other side of those clouds.
The direct light intersects itself,
And without even announcing my destination,
I pierce through everywhere.
The faint afterimage is burnt into my eyes-
Under this sky,
No matter where I am,
I should be able to reach
The world that I still havent seen.
Unknowingly embedded in a black and white sticker -
What is important is that we had hidden.
Light from the stars from the beautiful flowers from stones of the treasure
dream of the noise and the hologram.
Scenes depicting one day against the odd man out
fly like a bubble through the loneliness and frustration.
The road is straight,
and would be stronger than now.
Now been invited to a pure white scenery,
I’ll go to a world that I still haven’t seen.
The light color of the rainbow in the sky is where
a distant voice calls me, shivering every time in the shadow of tomorrow.
The straight, scattered light
pours all at a time in the afternoon after the rain.
Now mix the infinite gradations of
this all under the sky.
We will make sure we will arrive in this world.
Romaji :
masshiro na keshiki ni ima sasowarete
boku wa yuku yo
mada minu sekai e
maigo no mama tabi shiteita
nezumiiro no sora no shita
higawari no chizu
ikutsumo no yume ga nijiindeita
itsuka wa sa
chippoke na boku no kono hohaba demo
ano kumo no mukou made ikeru ka na
kizutsuita kokoro sukashita you ni
furidashita amatsubutachi ga
ranhansha kurikaesu
massugu na hikari ga kousa shite
ikusaki mo tsugenu mama
dokomademo tsukinukeru
awai zanzou
ryoume ni yakitsukete
todoku hazu nanda
mada minu sekai e
shirazu shirazu ni watteita no wa
shirokuro no sutekkaa de
daiji na mono
bokura wa kakushiteshimatteita
takara no ishi yori hana yori
hoshi no akari yori kirei na
"yume" to iu na no horoguramu o
zawameki o
hamidashite sakaratte
itsuka egaita fuukei
kuyashisa mo sabishisa mo ima
awa mitai ni hajiketobu
massugu na michi de
kasabuta hagaretara
ima yori kitto tsuyoku nareru
masshiro na keshiki ni ima sasowarete
boku wa yuku yo
mada minu sekai e
kasumu sora no saki ni
nijiiro no hikari
ashita no kage ni furueru tabi ni
tooku de boku o yobu koe ga shite
massugu na hikari ga
ameagari no gogo ni
taba ni natte furisosogu
mugen no guradeeshon ga ima mazariatte
kono sora no shita donna toko ni ite mo
kanarazu todoku hazu sa
mada minu sekai e
translate :
Invited by a pure white scenery now,
Ill go to a world that I still havent seen
As a lost child, I journeyed
Under the slate-gray sky.
Many dreams blotted through the map that changes daily.
Even with my strides as I am tiny -
I wonder if I can get to the other side of those clouds.
The direct light intersects itself,
And without even announcing my destination,
I pierce through everywhere.
The faint afterimage is burnt into my eyes-
Under this sky,
No matter where I am,
I should be able to reach
The world that I still havent seen.
Unknowingly embedded in a black and white sticker -
What is important is that we had hidden.
Light from the stars from the beautiful flowers from stones of the treasure
dream of the noise and the hologram.
Scenes depicting one day against the odd man out
fly like a bubble through the loneliness and frustration.
The road is straight,
and would be stronger than now.
Now been invited to a pure white scenery,
I’ll go to a world that I still haven’t seen.
The light color of the rainbow in the sky is where
a distant voice calls me, shivering every time in the shadow of tomorrow.
The straight, scattered light
pours all at a time in the afternoon after the rain.
Now mix the infinite gradations of
this all under the sky.
We will make sure we will arrive in this world.
No Regeret Life - Nakushita Kotoba (lyric + Translate)
ost. Naruto Ending
the meaning : lost words
the meaning : lost words
romaji :
Kono ryoute ni kakaete iru mono toki no shizuku
Sotto nigirishimete wasureta kioku nakushita kotoba
Hitotsu hitotsu omoidaseba subete wakatte ita ki ga shite ita no ni
Iroaseta kotoba wa boku no sugu soba ni oite atta
Kotae no denai yoru to hitohira no nukumori to haruka kanata no akogare to
Tada sore dake wo kurikaeshi boku wa ikite iru
Kono ryoute ni kakaete iru mono toki no shizuku
Sotto nigirishimete wasureta kioku nakushita kotoba
Anata ga omou koto wo sameru koto naku temoto ni tsukamitai no ni
Hito daru bokutachi wa sono kimochi wo wakachi aenai mama
Kotoba ga hanatsu imi wo tatoe no nai omoi wo kotaeru koto no nai kanjou wo
Mitsumeaeba tsutawaru koto ga dekitara ii no ni na
Kono ryoute ni kakaete iru mono toki no shizuku
Sotto nigirishimete wasureta kioku nakushita kotoba
Kono omoi wa mune ni shimatte okou
Nakushite shimatta...
English :
Kono ryoute ni kakaete iru mono toki no shizuku
Sotto nigirishimete wasureta kioku nakushita kotoba
Hitotsu hitotsu omoidaseba subete wakatte ita ki ga shite ita no ni
Iroaseta kotoba wa boku no sugu soba ni oite atta
Kotae no denai yoru to hitohira no nukumori to haruka kanata no akogare to
Tada sore dake wo kurikaeshi boku wa ikite iru
Kono ryoute ni kakaete iru mono toki no shizuku
Sotto nigirishimete wasureta kioku nakushita kotoba
Anata ga omou koto wo sameru koto naku temoto ni tsukamitai no ni
Hito daru bokutachi wa sono kimochi wo wakachi aenai mama
Kotoba ga hanatsu imi wo tatoe no nai omoi wo kotaeru koto no nai kanjou wo
Mitsumeaeba tsutawaru koto ga dekitara ii no ni na
Kono ryoute ni kakaete iru mono toki no shizuku
Sotto nigirishimete wasureta kioku nakushita kotoba
Kono omoi wa mune ni shimatte okou
Nakushite shimatta...
English :
I'm holding a drop of time in my hands
I quietly grip the forgotten memories, the lost words
When I recalled each event one by one, I thought I understood everything
But the faded words were right by my side
Nights when I can't find an answer, and a single drop of warmth, and my longing for something far away
I'm spending my whole life just repeating those things over and over
I'm holding drops of time in my hands
I quietly grip the forgotten memories, the lost words
I want to grab all the things you love in my hand, never letting them cool down
While we, as people, are unable to share that feeling
The meaning your words release, an unquestionable love, a feeling that has no answers
If only we could convery all that just by looking at each other
I'm holding drops of time in my hands
I quietly grip the forgotten memories, the lost words
I'll keep this love in my heart
I've lost you...
I quietly grip the forgotten memories, the lost words
When I recalled each event one by one, I thought I understood everything
But the faded words were right by my side
Nights when I can't find an answer, and a single drop of warmth, and my longing for something far away
I'm spending my whole life just repeating those things over and over
I'm holding drops of time in my hands
I quietly grip the forgotten memories, the lost words
I want to grab all the things you love in my hand, never letting them cool down
While we, as people, are unable to share that feeling
The meaning your words release, an unquestionable love, a feeling that has no answers
If only we could convery all that just by looking at each other
I'm holding drops of time in my hands
I quietly grip the forgotten memories, the lost words
I'll keep this love in my heart
I've lost you...
4 Sep 2010
gw benci ibu gw !!!!!
huuhh, ini bukan kayak di dongeng dongeng yang benci ibunya karena miskin,
habisnya, gak ngerti perasaan gw, gw kan orangnya gak suka dibentak bentak, eh, malah dibentak bentak, ngasih tau tuh pelan aja deh, gak usah pake tereak2, pake nyinggung nyinggung segala lagi, heh, menatang2 ibu jadi bisa ngatur anaknya seenaknya?!
gw juga punya hati, gw juga gak mau digituin
gw uda besar, gw uda SMA, gw bukan anak SD lagi yang PANTAS di MARAHIN di DEPAN UMUM..
gila wae..
bener deh, besok gw mau balik ke jogja, males gue disini.. XC
habisnya, gak ngerti perasaan gw, gw kan orangnya gak suka dibentak bentak, eh, malah dibentak bentak, ngasih tau tuh pelan aja deh, gak usah pake tereak2, pake nyinggung nyinggung segala lagi, heh, menatang2 ibu jadi bisa ngatur anaknya seenaknya?!
gw juga punya hati, gw juga gak mau digituin
gw uda besar, gw uda SMA, gw bukan anak SD lagi yang PANTAS di MARAHIN di DEPAN UMUM..
gila wae..
bener deh, besok gw mau balik ke jogja, males gue disini.. XC
RSP - The First Star (lyric)
Kumo ga karu yozora aru tairu light up shite kirakira kagayaki masu nakanai de my dear friend
Kimi wa first star tte ieru kurai ni kirei ni naru you can do
Forget it aitsu to no omoide mou sude ni tsuyogaru kimi no
So many tamekonda namida hoppe ni sotto kobore ochiru
Mou ude ni tobikonde ii yo joudeki ! Yoku ganbatta deshou
Sutoroberii onzashou to keeki no you na koi sagasou
Nagai yoru wo hitori sugosu kimi no jakku midnight town made
Kumo ga karu yozora aru tairu style up shite kirakira kagayaki masu nakanai de my girl friend
Kimi wo first star tte ieru kurai ni kirei ni naru you can do
Short hair ni shite mo ni au'n ja nai ? Go ? Senchi kurai icchaeba mou
Orenji shoku mo tashite mite oh lady !! Chotto ikasu ja nai !
Konseiki saidai kyuu no koi mo chou keshirireki zen keshi
Sou ready ! Ichi wo fumidashite genki dashite ne
Kagami no zen imechen gia chenji menzu shisen dokusen shi chatte
Kumo ga karu yozora aru tairu light up shite kirakira kagayaki masu nakanai de my girl friend
Kimi wa first star tte ieru kurai ni kirei ni naru you can do
Amano ga wa wataru aru tairu bye bye shite kirakira kagayaki masu nakanai de my girl friend
Kimi wa first star tte ieru kurai ni kirei ni naru you can do
Kazoe kirenai hoshi tachi wa kimi ga nagashita namida
Chirakatta mama jan zenbu atsumete akusesarii ni kaete
Oh my dear friend. You are the shining star ?
Oh my girld friend. You are the first star ?
Kakuteru gurasu futatsu narabete kanpai okimari music (chou - chou !)
Yoake ni chikazuku aru tairu light up shite kirakira kagayaki masu hohoenda my girl friend
Kimi wa first star de dare ka no yume ni naru you can do
Donna ni hanarete ite mo oorai ! Kawaranai mono
Shimai mitai na beauty pair shougai daiji na hito ya kara
Sui mo amai mo zenbu monsherii keeki to sore kara
Sutoroberii onzashou to keeki wo ai take it hanbunko shiyou yo
Kimi wa first star tte ieru kurai ni kirei ni naru you can do
Forget it aitsu to no omoide mou sude ni tsuyogaru kimi no
So many tamekonda namida hoppe ni sotto kobore ochiru
Mou ude ni tobikonde ii yo joudeki ! Yoku ganbatta deshou
Sutoroberii onzashou to keeki no you na koi sagasou
Nagai yoru wo hitori sugosu kimi no jakku midnight town made
Kumo ga karu yozora aru tairu style up shite kirakira kagayaki masu nakanai de my girl friend
Kimi wo first star tte ieru kurai ni kirei ni naru you can do
Short hair ni shite mo ni au'n ja nai ? Go ? Senchi kurai icchaeba mou
Orenji shoku mo tashite mite oh lady !! Chotto ikasu ja nai !
Konseiki saidai kyuu no koi mo chou keshirireki zen keshi
Sou ready ! Ichi wo fumidashite genki dashite ne
Kagami no zen imechen gia chenji menzu shisen dokusen shi chatte
Kumo ga karu yozora aru tairu light up shite kirakira kagayaki masu nakanai de my girl friend
Kimi wa first star tte ieru kurai ni kirei ni naru you can do
Amano ga wa wataru aru tairu bye bye shite kirakira kagayaki masu nakanai de my girl friend
Kimi wa first star tte ieru kurai ni kirei ni naru you can do
Kazoe kirenai hoshi tachi wa kimi ga nagashita namida
Chirakatta mama jan zenbu atsumete akusesarii ni kaete
Oh my dear friend. You are the shining star ?
Oh my girld friend. You are the first star ?
Kakuteru gurasu futatsu narabete kanpai okimari music (chou - chou !)
Yoake ni chikazuku aru tairu light up shite kirakira kagayaki masu hohoenda my girl friend
Kimi wa first star de dare ka no yume ni naru you can do
Donna ni hanarete ite mo oorai ! Kawaranai mono
Shimai mitai na beauty pair shougai daiji na hito ya kara
Sui mo amai mo zenbu monsherii keeki to sore kara
Sutoroberii onzashou to keeki wo ai take it hanbunko shiyou yo
RSP - Serious love (lyric)
Oh baby I've got my eyes on you
Oh baby Your smile is saijoukyuu
Oh baby I've got my eyes on you
Make you my baby, my baby
ishiki suru you ni natte mou san kagetsu kurai
hajime wa chotto ii natte mada yoyuu ja nai?
demo tooku de warau anata mita shunkan
mune ga zuki tte kore nani? Is this love?
ohayou tte aisatsu dake de kono mune ga
Boom Boom tte takanaru
hatsukoi tte wake ja nai kedo kono kanji
hisashiburi ne
mitsumeru dake de manzoku? (No, No)
sonna taipu demo nai (Oh Yeah)
demo me hanasenai
Oh baby Fallin' love with you
kitto kono koi no ketsumatsu
shitteru no anata dake no hazu
demo ienai
mada muri mousukoshi
kondo no kinyou tte zuruzuru nobiteku
datte owacchau no kowai ja nai
kekkou yabai kurai suki ni natteru
Serious Love This is Serious Love
saikin suki na hito demo dekita no? tte
'maa ne' nante kotaeta kedo ureshikute
demo moshi kono koi ga kanawa nakattara tte
hito o aisuru koto tte kekkou kurushii
ohayou tte aisatsu dake de kono mune ga
Boom Boom tte takanaru
hatsukoi tte wake ja nai kedo kono kanji
hisashiburi ne
mitsumeru dake de manzoku? (No, No)
sonna taipu de mo nai (Oh Yeah)
demo sore de ii kurai
I wanna give you my love to you
kitto kono koi no ketsumatsu
shitteru no anata dake no hazu
demo ienai
mada muri mousukoshi
kondo no kinyou tte zuruzuru nobiteku
datte owacchau no kowai ja nai
kekkou yabai kurai suki ni natteru
Serious Love This is Serious Love
nee futari kiri samui hi ni
tebukuro nante iranai you ni
kan koohii shiroi toiki
irodzuku kurai fallin' love
kitto kono koi no ketsumatsu
shitteru no anata dake no hazu
demo ienai
mada muri mousukoshi
kondo no kinyou tte zuruzuru nobiteku
datte owacchau no kowai ja nai
kekkou yabai kurai suki ni natteru
Serious Love This is Serious Love
kitto kono koi no ketsumatsu
shitteru no anata dake no hazu
demo ienai
mada muri mousukoshi
kondo no kinyou tte zuruzuru nobiteku
datte owacchau no kowai ja nai
kekkou yabai kurai suki ni natteru
Serious Love This is Serious Love
Oh baby I've got my eyes on you
Oh baby Your smile is saijoukyuu
Oh baby I've got my eyes on you
Make you my baby, my baby
Make you my baby, my baby
Oh baby Your smile is saijoukyuu
Oh baby I've got my eyes on you
Make you my baby, my baby
ishiki suru you ni natte mou san kagetsu kurai
hajime wa chotto ii natte mada yoyuu ja nai?
demo tooku de warau anata mita shunkan
mune ga zuki tte kore nani? Is this love?
ohayou tte aisatsu dake de kono mune ga
Boom Boom tte takanaru
hatsukoi tte wake ja nai kedo kono kanji
hisashiburi ne
mitsumeru dake de manzoku? (No, No)
sonna taipu demo nai (Oh Yeah)
demo me hanasenai
Oh baby Fallin' love with you
kitto kono koi no ketsumatsu
shitteru no anata dake no hazu
demo ienai
mada muri mousukoshi
kondo no kinyou tte zuruzuru nobiteku
datte owacchau no kowai ja nai
kekkou yabai kurai suki ni natteru
Serious Love This is Serious Love
saikin suki na hito demo dekita no? tte
'maa ne' nante kotaeta kedo ureshikute
demo moshi kono koi ga kanawa nakattara tte
hito o aisuru koto tte kekkou kurushii
ohayou tte aisatsu dake de kono mune ga
Boom Boom tte takanaru
hatsukoi tte wake ja nai kedo kono kanji
hisashiburi ne
mitsumeru dake de manzoku? (No, No)
sonna taipu de mo nai (Oh Yeah)
demo sore de ii kurai
I wanna give you my love to you
kitto kono koi no ketsumatsu
shitteru no anata dake no hazu
demo ienai
mada muri mousukoshi
kondo no kinyou tte zuruzuru nobiteku
datte owacchau no kowai ja nai
kekkou yabai kurai suki ni natteru
Serious Love This is Serious Love
nee futari kiri samui hi ni
tebukuro nante iranai you ni
kan koohii shiroi toiki
irodzuku kurai fallin' love
kitto kono koi no ketsumatsu
shitteru no anata dake no hazu
demo ienai
mada muri mousukoshi
kondo no kinyou tte zuruzuru nobiteku
datte owacchau no kowai ja nai
kekkou yabai kurai suki ni natteru
Serious Love This is Serious Love
kitto kono koi no ketsumatsu
shitteru no anata dake no hazu
demo ienai
mada muri mousukoshi
kondo no kinyou tte zuruzuru nobiteku
datte owacchau no kowai ja nai
kekkou yabai kurai suki ni natteru
Serious Love This is Serious Love
Oh baby I've got my eyes on you
Oh baby Your smile is saijoukyuu
Oh baby I've got my eyes on you
Make you my baby, my baby
Make you my baby, my baby
RSP - Anma ~Haha Uta~ (lyric)
Anmaa yo anata wa watashi no subete wo yurushi subete wo shinji
Subete wo tsutsumikonde
Oshimi mo sezu ni nanimo kamo watashi no ue ni sosogi tsuzukete kita no ni
Anmaa yo watashi wa soredemo
Kizukazu ni omoi no mama ni sugoshite kita no deshita
Shoka ni ajisai ga saku koro watashi wa umareta to kikimashita
Hahaoya no yorokobi you wa taihen yatta to kikimashita
"Dare ni mo mane no dekihin
Jibun dake no iro shinjite hoshii" to
Nayami nuita sue ni kono na wo watashi ni tsuketa to kikimashita
Itsumo hatarakizume datta haha to sugosu jikan wa wazuka de
Natsuyasumi enikki ga kakenai to nando mo dada wo konemashita
Sukoshi komatta kao wo shite "gomen ne" wo kurikaesu hahaoya no tonari de
Itsumademo itsumademo naita no wo oboete masu
Anmaa yo anata wa watashi no subete wo yurushi subete wo shinji
Subete wo tsutsumikonde
Oshimi mo sezu ni nanimo kamo watashi no ue ni sosogi tsuzukete kita no ni
Anmaa yo watashi wa soredemo
Kizukazu ni omoi no mama ni sugoshite kita no deshita
Ibasho ga nai to kime tsukete
Uso to asagaeri wo kurikaeshi
"Okan" de ippai ni natta rireki
Mite wa dengen kirimashita
Soredemo konna baka musume no
Tatta hitotsu no yume wo shinjite
Anata wa itsumo itsumo soba de
ouen shitsuzukete kuremashita
Anmaa yo watashi wa anata ni itte wa ikenai
Kesshite kuchi ni shite wa ikenai kotoba wo
Kagen mo sezu ni nagetsukete wa anata no kokoro wo fuminijitta no ni
Anmaa yo anata wa soredemo kawaru koto naku watashi wo aishite kuremashita
Komorebi no you na nukumori de
Fukai umi no you na yasashisa de
Zenbu zenbu watashi no subete wo tsutsumikonda
Daidai iro somaru sora no shita te wo tsunagi aruita togetsukyou
Kyou mo kawarazu kono mune ni utsushi dashiteru
Ima tsuraku tomo mata tachiagaru no wa
Anata no senaka mite sodatta kara
Ima sukoshi hito ni yasashiku nareta no wa
Anata no ai ni mitasareteta kara
Ima shiawase da to omoeru no wa
Anata no ko ni umarete koreta kara
Anmaa yo anata ga hitori de genjitsu wo kakaekomi nayami nuita yoru ni
Kodoku ni naite ita koto wo watashi wa shirazu ni sugoshite ita no ni
Anmaa yo anata wa watashi no subete wo yurushi subete wo shinji
Subete wo tsutsumikonde
Oshimi mo sezu ni nanimo kamo watashi no ue ni sosogi tsuzukete kita no ni
Anmaa yo watashi wa soredemo
Kizukazu ni omoi no mama ni sugoshite kita no deshita
RSP - Tabidatsu Kimi E (lyric)
Kimi wa yuku chiisana kata ni
Yume ya kibou nosete
Ima tabidatsu kimi ni okuritai
Kyou kurai majime ni
Ittatte ii jan
Ittatte ii jan
Arittake no egao o hanataba ni
Kimi ni tsutae yo Messeji
Issho ni waratte kurete
Issho ni naite kurete
Daijoubu da yo shinpai nai yo
Shinjita michi dake massugu ni
Hashirun da yo
Kimi dake ni ucchi ake ta
Naishoubanashi toka
There's a secret for you
Tokidoki wa butsukari atte
Kenka moshi dakedo
Konna ni kokoro yuru seru hito wa
Mettani iru mon janai yo ne janai yo ne
Tsunakattara guchiru no mo ari de
Dekita itoki wa denwa shite
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
Daijoubu donna ni hanarete itemo
Daijoubu itsu datte mikata dakara
Kekkon shitemo
Obasan ni nattemo
Itsu made tattemo
Jiman no shinyuu da yo
Fuzake tafu rishite
Afureru namida go makashita
Ugoki dasu mado no mukou
Te wo furu kimi no sugataga
Dandan chiisaku natteku
Issho ni waratte kurete
Issho ni naite kurete
Kawatte yuku toki no naka de
Kimi wa kawaranai deite
Sayonara koko kara
Hajimaru kara
Sayonara itsu datte
Mikata dakara
Daijobu da yo
Hitori ja nai yo
Kaete kuru basho wa itsu demo
Koko ni aru yo
Yume ya kibou nosete
Ima tabidatsu kimi ni okuritai
Kyou kurai majime ni
Ittatte ii jan
Ittatte ii jan
Arittake no egao o hanataba ni
Kimi ni tsutae yo Messeji
Issho ni waratte kurete
Issho ni naite kurete
Daijoubu da yo shinpai nai yo
Shinjita michi dake massugu ni
Hashirun da yo
Kimi dake ni ucchi ake ta
Naishoubanashi toka
There's a secret for you
Tokidoki wa butsukari atte
Kenka moshi dakedo
Konna ni kokoro yuru seru hito wa
Mettani iru mon janai yo ne janai yo ne
Tsunakattara guchiru no mo ari de
Dekita itoki wa denwa shite
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
Daijoubu donna ni hanarete itemo
Daijoubu itsu datte mikata dakara
Kekkon shitemo
Obasan ni nattemo
Itsu made tattemo
Jiman no shinyuu da yo
Fuzake tafu rishite
Afureru namida go makashita
Ugoki dasu mado no mukou
Te wo furu kimi no sugataga
Dandan chiisaku natteku
Issho ni waratte kurete
Issho ni naite kurete
Kawatte yuku toki no naka de
Kimi wa kawaranai deite
Sayonara koko kara
Hajimaru kara
Sayonara itsu datte
Mikata dakara
Daijobu da yo
Hitori ja nai yo
Kaete kuru basho wa itsu demo
Koko ni aru yo
Saki: My darling saikou ni saiko rappu ni inochi kakeru kurai no
konya wa kare no uden naka aisha doraibu mo
Ai: My darling furomu zero-yo-go issho ni sagasu shea manshon
ai o sodate takute dousei keikaku shinkou chuu Right Now
Saki: Oh No yumeminde doujou suru wa yo girlfriend
Ai: How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
enjin zenkai on & on & on!
ai to yuujou Let me know bring it on!
iganda jijou bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why.
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
I to you no gekijou bring it on!
hisan na Vision bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why,
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
Ai: kanchigai shin to ite tenkai maiyo kakatte kuru keitai
kare no ai o yuiitsu mitasen no, atashi
Saki: anta darou to yuzurenai yamete yo tsumannai benkai
demo yappari ai to yuujou chenji tte nai wa
Ai: On No yumeminde doujou sun nen girlfriend
Saki: How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
enjin zenkai on & on & on!
ai to yuujou Let me know bring it on!
iganda jijou bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why.
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
I to you no gekijou bring it on!
hisan na Vision?bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why,
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
maido doumo jinrui ai daihyou hakuai no kokoromotte ima sanjou!
Like a biibappu mae xxx
ngo sono teguchi wa giza giza Sweet
kyou wa docchi to deeto dakke? yabbee yo kioku ga nee
matte souiya daburubukkingu shiteta ki ga shimasu ga hontou da beka?
kurikaesu jimonjitou kihonjikou o kakunin ta.shi.ka...
Saki yori saki ni Ai ni ai ni iya Ai yori saki ni Saki ni ai ni
tte nandaka wake ga wakari masen futari ni hitori wa erabe masenda kara
koe o dai ni shite sakebitai aishite iruze Saki ni Ai
How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
(chocchocchocchocchocchotto matte )
How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
(nani ga okiteru ka wakan nee)
How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
(ai to yuujou ryouhou tocchatte)
How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
I don't give it up on & on & on!
ai to yuujou Let me know bring it on!
igan da jijou bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why.
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
I to you no gekijou bring it on!
hisan na Vision bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why,
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
konya wa kare no uden naka aisha doraibu mo
Ai: My darling furomu zero-yo-go issho ni sagasu shea manshon
ai o sodate takute dousei keikaku shinkou chuu Right Now
Saki: Oh No yumeminde doujou suru wa yo girlfriend
Ai: How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
enjin zenkai on & on & on!
ai to yuujou Let me know bring it on!
iganda jijou bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why.
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
I to you no gekijou bring it on!
hisan na Vision bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why,
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
Ai: kanchigai shin to ite tenkai maiyo kakatte kuru keitai
kare no ai o yuiitsu mitasen no, atashi
Saki: anta darou to yuzurenai yamete yo tsumannai benkai
demo yappari ai to yuujou chenji tte nai wa
Ai: On No yumeminde doujou sun nen girlfriend
Saki: How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
enjin zenkai on & on & on!
ai to yuujou Let me know bring it on!
iganda jijou bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why.
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
I to you no gekijou bring it on!
hisan na Vision?bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why,
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
maido doumo jinrui ai daihyou hakuai no kokoromotte ima sanjou!
Like a biibappu mae xxx
ngo sono teguchi wa giza giza Sweet
kyou wa docchi to deeto dakke? yabbee yo kioku ga nee
matte souiya daburubukkingu shiteta ki ga shimasu ga hontou da beka?
kurikaesu jimonjitou kihonjikou o kakunin ta.shi.ka...
Saki yori saki ni Ai ni ai ni iya Ai yori saki ni Saki ni ai ni
tte nandaka wake ga wakari masen futari ni hitori wa erabe masenda kara
koe o dai ni shite sakebitai aishite iruze Saki ni Ai
How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
(chocchocchocchocchocchotto matte )
How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
(nani ga okiteru ka wakan nee)
How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
(ai to yuujou ryouhou tocchatte)
How come, ai no wana (I don't wanna)
I don't give it up on & on & on!
ai to yuujou Let me know bring it on!
igan da jijou bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why.
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
I to you no gekijou bring it on!
hisan na Vision bring it on! yeah!
(Really tell me it's why,
tell me tell me tell me it's why not)
3 Sep 2010
Lena Park - Winter Kiss (lyric)
Jeongmal isanghajyo na waenji chupji annneyo
Geudae saenggangmaneuro olgyeoureun
Meokgosalgi bappa nae dudariga apa
Sseureojilttaekkaji ttwieosseo
Hajiman maeilgachi nan mugiryeokhaesseo
Geunde neol mannasseo nae sarmi bakkwieosseo
Sarangui giune horangi giuni sosanasse
Chumchuneun nunkkotsoge geudaewa soneul kkok majujapgo
Nanwotdeon dalkomhan kiseu
Byeolbicharae yaksokhalge saranghae
Geudaewa na yeongwonhi hamkkehalgeoya
Hayangyeoul chukboksoge
Nan nal saranghandaneun geudae geu moksorineun
Amuri deureodo tto deutgosipeo
Maenyeon saeropge chajaoneun I gyeourijiman
Nega eopdamyeon naegen neul ttokgatgetji
Nan deureododeureodo tto deutgosipeun ne moksoricheoreom
Gyeouldo negaisseo hangsang saerowojyeo
Chumchuneun nunkkotsoge geudaewa soneul kkok majujapgo
Nanwotdeon dalkomhan kiseu
Byeolbicharae yaksokhalge saranghae
Geudaewa na yeongwonhi hamkkehalgeoya
Hayangyeoul chukboksoge
Olgyeouri gago sarangi nogado dasi chuwojigo
Myeotbeonssik banbokdoedo naesarang byeonhajianha nan
Chumchuneun nunkkotsoge geudaewa soneul kkok majujapgo
Nanwotdeon dalkomhan kiseu
Byeolbicharae yaksokhalge saranghae
Geudaewa na yeongwonhi hamkkehalgeoya
Hayangyeoul chukboksoge
Geudae saenggangmaneuro olgyeoureun
Meokgosalgi bappa nae dudariga apa
Sseureojilttaekkaji ttwieosseo
Hajiman maeilgachi nan mugiryeokhaesseo
Geunde neol mannasseo nae sarmi bakkwieosseo
Sarangui giune horangi giuni sosanasse
Chumchuneun nunkkotsoge geudaewa soneul kkok majujapgo
Nanwotdeon dalkomhan kiseu
Byeolbicharae yaksokhalge saranghae
Geudaewa na yeongwonhi hamkkehalgeoya
Hayangyeoul chukboksoge
Nan nal saranghandaneun geudae geu moksorineun
Amuri deureodo tto deutgosipeo
Maenyeon saeropge chajaoneun I gyeourijiman
Nega eopdamyeon naegen neul ttokgatgetji
Nan deureododeureodo tto deutgosipeun ne moksoricheoreom
Gyeouldo negaisseo hangsang saerowojyeo
Chumchuneun nunkkotsoge geudaewa soneul kkok majujapgo
Nanwotdeon dalkomhan kiseu
Byeolbicharae yaksokhalge saranghae
Geudaewa na yeongwonhi hamkkehalgeoya
Hayangyeoul chukboksoge
Olgyeouri gago sarangi nogado dasi chuwojigo
Myeotbeonssik banbokdoedo naesarang byeonhajianha nan
Chumchuneun nunkkotsoge geudaewa soneul kkok majujapgo
Nanwotdeon dalkomhan kiseu
Byeolbicharae yaksokhalge saranghae
Geudaewa na yeongwonhi hamkkehalgeoya
Hayangyeoul chukboksoge
The Gazette - D.L.N (Lyric + Translate)
Romaji :
hajime kara wakatteta dakara kanashiku wa nai
sukoshizutsu sukoshizutsu kazu wo kazoeru mitai ne
kusaki no kareru iro ga boyake kisetsu no owari ga wakaranai
ashiato wo nazoru hi wa ashiato wo kiku hi wo yondeiru wa
nozomi mo shinai watashi ni ashita wa kaerarenai mono
kusaki ga kareru oto wo tadori kisetsu no owari wo kanjiru
hana ga irodzuki sakihokoru goro watashi ni wa nani ga nokoru no
tsuki ga KAATEN wo tojiru demo taiyou ga watashi wo terasu no
hajime kara wakatteta dakara kanashiku wa nai
me ga same yoru ga owaranakute mo soko ni kagayaku hoshi ga nakute mo
machi wo irodoru akaritachi ga subete kiete mo...
mamoru beki hito no yorokobu kao mo ai shita hito no saigo mo
juupun na hodo mitekureta kara mou ii no
Song of the sheep in dark long night
translate :
More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/g/gazette/#share
hajime kara wakatteta dakara kanashiku wa nai
sukoshizutsu sukoshizutsu kazu wo kazoeru mitai ne
kusaki no kareru iro ga boyake kisetsu no owari ga wakaranai
ashiato wo nazoru hi wa ashiato wo kiku hi wo yondeiru wa
nozomi mo shinai watashi ni ashita wa kaerarenai mono
kusaki ga kareru oto wo tadori kisetsu no owari wo kanjiru
hana ga irodzuki sakihokoru goro watashi ni wa nani ga nokoru no
tsuki ga KAATEN wo tojiru demo taiyou ga watashi wo terasu no
hajime kara wakatteta dakara kanashiku wa nai
me ga same yoru ga owaranakute mo soko ni kagayaku hoshi ga nakute mo
machi wo irodoru akaritachi ga subete kiete mo...
mamoru beki hito no yorokobu kao mo ai shita hito no saigo mo
juupun na hodo mitekureta kara mou ii no
Song of the sheep in dark long night
translate :
I knew it from the beginning. So I'm not sad.
Little by little, little by little. It's as counting numbers.
The colors of dying plants get blurred. I don't find out the end of a season.
The day, which traces footsteps, reads the day, which listens to footprints
It is common that I cannot change tomorrow if I don't have any wishes.
I follow the sound of dying plants. And I feel the end of a season.
When the flowers are blooming, what will be left on my hand?
The moon closes the curtain. But the sun shines on me.
I knew it from the beginning. So I'm not sad.
Even if I wake up and the night doesn't end. And even if there are no shiny stars there.
Even if the all lights in the town vanish...
I saw enough of the happy face of the one I should protect and the end of the one I loved.
So I am satisfied with it.
Song of the sheep in dark long night
Little by little, little by little. It's as counting numbers.
The colors of dying plants get blurred. I don't find out the end of a season.
The day, which traces footsteps, reads the day, which listens to footprints
It is common that I cannot change tomorrow if I don't have any wishes.
I follow the sound of dying plants. And I feel the end of a season.
When the flowers are blooming, what will be left on my hand?
The moon closes the curtain. But the sun shines on me.
I knew it from the beginning. So I'm not sad.
Even if I wake up and the night doesn't end. And even if there are no shiny stars there.
Even if the all lights in the town vanish...
I saw enough of the happy face of the one I should protect and the end of the one I loved.
So I am satisfied with it.
Song of the sheep in dark long night
More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/g/gazette/#share
Kawabe Chieco - Be Your Girl (lyric)
Anime : elfen lied
Maybe I wanna be your girl
Maybe all I need is you
Annani mou soba ni ite mo
Konnani mou aisarete mo
Jikan ha mikata shite kurezu ni
Anata no kanojo ni narenai atashi
Sore demo iitte nandomo omotta
Anata wo dareka to SHEA shiteiru keredo
Soreja iya datte nandomo naiteru
Uso demo kiyasume demo atashi dakette itte
KISU no masui kirete itaku naru
Anata ha mou kaecchau no?
Koko de namida ha hikyou datte
Ha wo kuishibatte gaman shiteru yo
Sore demo iitte nandomo omotta
Anata wo dareka to SHEA shiteiru keredo
Soreja iya datte nandomo naiteru
Uso demo kiyasume demo
Ne onegai
Atashi no naka ha anata dake
Aishiteiru no ha atashi dakette itte
Hoshii mono ha hitotsu dake
Tada anata no zenbu ga hoshii na
Kono michi no saki ni matte iru sekai
Nigezu ni tsuduki wo kono me de mite mitai
Tatoe koreijou kizutsuku toshite mo
Zettai tomerarenai kono kimochi dakara ne
Sore demo iitte nandomo omotta
Anata wo dareka to SHEA shiteiru keredo
Soreja iya datte nandomo naiteru
Uso demo kiyasume demo atashi dakette itte
Maybe baby
I wanna be your girl
(Maybe I wanna be your girl)
Maybe baby
(Maybe all I need is you)
All I need is you
Maybe I wanna be your girl
Maybe all I need is you
Annani mou soba ni ite mo
Konnani mou aisarete mo
Jikan ha mikata shite kurezu ni
Anata no kanojo ni narenai atashi
Sore demo iitte nandomo omotta
Anata wo dareka to SHEA shiteiru keredo
Soreja iya datte nandomo naiteru
Uso demo kiyasume demo atashi dakette itte
KISU no masui kirete itaku naru
Anata ha mou kaecchau no?
Koko de namida ha hikyou datte
Ha wo kuishibatte gaman shiteru yo
Sore demo iitte nandomo omotta
Anata wo dareka to SHEA shiteiru keredo
Soreja iya datte nandomo naiteru
Uso demo kiyasume demo
Ne onegai
Atashi no naka ha anata dake
Aishiteiru no ha atashi dakette itte
Hoshii mono ha hitotsu dake
Tada anata no zenbu ga hoshii na
Kono michi no saki ni matte iru sekai
Nigezu ni tsuduki wo kono me de mite mitai
Tatoe koreijou kizutsuku toshite mo
Zettai tomerarenai kono kimochi dakara ne
Sore demo iitte nandomo omotta
Anata wo dareka to SHEA shiteiru keredo
Soreja iya datte nandomo naiteru
Uso demo kiyasume demo atashi dakette itte
Maybe baby
I wanna be your girl
(Maybe I wanna be your girl)
Maybe baby
(Maybe all I need is you)
All I need is you
The Gazette - Cassis (Lyric + Translate)
Aa, zutto kurikaeshiteta
Zutto kanashimasete bakari datta
Aa, kitto anata sae mo kizu tsukete
Boku wa ugokeno mama
Aa, anata ni fureru koto ga
Naze konna ni kurushii no desu ka?
Kitto onaji koto wo kurikaeshite
Anata wo ushinatte shimau no ga kowakatta kara
Yori suo koto de nuguou to shita wasure kirenakatta hi wo
Anata wa nani mo kikazu ni kono te wo nigettekureta ne
Ashita anata no kimochi ga hanarete mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteru.
Ashita anata ni boku ga mienakute mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteru
I WILL WALK TOGHETER, to future not promised to yet
It keeps walking togheter, to the future which you are...
Tsurai koto sae wasureru kurai anata wo omotteiru
Aenai yoru wo kazoeru tabi ni koga reru mune
Kake chigai no sabishisa tsunoru
Dou ka hitorikiri de nakanaide
Donna ni hanareteite mo
Shinjiaeru futari de iyou
Dou ka kono mama waratteitai anata wo kizutsuke sasenaide
Toki ga tatsu tabi usurete itta anna omoi kurikaaeshitekunai
Ashita anata no kimochi ga hanarete mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteiru
Ashita anata ni boku ga mienakute mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteiru.
Dou ka boku dake wo mitsumeteite
Dou ka kono te ga togukenú iyou
I WILL WALK TOGHETER, to future not promised to yet
It keeps walking togheter, to the future which you are...
Translate :
I repeated it for a long time. I made you sad for a long time.
I must have hurt you. Now I still cannot move.
Why is it so painful to touch you?
I think it is because I was afraid of making the same mistake and losing you.
I tried to recover the unforgettable days to stay close to each other.
You hold my hand without asking anything.
Even if you don't love me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Even if you don't see me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
I will walk together, the future not promised
It keeps walking together, to the future in which you are…
I love you so much that I forget any suffering.
My heart feels pain every time I count the days we cannot meet.
The loneliness is piling up. Please don’t cry alone.
Even if we are so far away, we can believe each other.
I wish to smile as it is. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.
I don't want to repeat such feelings, which have kept fading each time.
Even if you don't love me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Even if you don't see me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Please, only look at me. Please, don’t let our hands separate.
I will walk together, the future not promised
It keeps walking together, to the future in which you are…
Aa, zutto kurikaeshiteta
Zutto kanashimasete bakari datta
Aa, kitto anata sae mo kizu tsukete
Boku wa ugokeno mama
Aa, anata ni fureru koto ga
Naze konna ni kurushii no desu ka?
Kitto onaji koto wo kurikaeshite
Anata wo ushinatte shimau no ga kowakatta kara
Yori suo koto de nuguou to shita wasure kirenakatta hi wo
Anata wa nani mo kikazu ni kono te wo nigettekureta ne
Ashita anata no kimochi ga hanarete mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteru.
Ashita anata ni boku ga mienakute mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteru
I WILL WALK TOGHETER, to future not promised to yet
It keeps walking togheter, to the future which you are...
Tsurai koto sae wasureru kurai anata wo omotteiru
Aenai yoru wo kazoeru tabi ni koga reru mune
Kake chigai no sabishisa tsunoru
Dou ka hitorikiri de nakanaide
Donna ni hanareteite mo
Shinjiaeru futari de iyou
Dou ka kono mama waratteitai anata wo kizutsuke sasenaide
Toki ga tatsu tabi usurete itta anna omoi kurikaaeshitekunai
Ashita anata no kimochi ga hanarete mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteiru
Ashita anata ni boku ga mienakute mo kitto kawarazu ai shiteiru.
Dou ka boku dake wo mitsumeteite
Dou ka kono te ga togukenú iyou
I WILL WALK TOGHETER, to future not promised to yet
It keeps walking togheter, to the future which you are...
Translate :
I must have hurt you. Now I still cannot move.
Why is it so painful to touch you?
I think it is because I was afraid of making the same mistake and losing you.
I tried to recover the unforgettable days to stay close to each other.
You hold my hand without asking anything.
Even if you don't love me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Even if you don't see me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
I will walk together, the future not promised
It keeps walking together, to the future in which you are…
I love you so much that I forget any suffering.
My heart feels pain every time I count the days we cannot meet.
The loneliness is piling up. Please don’t cry alone.
Even if we are so far away, we can believe each other.
I wish to smile as it is. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.
I don't want to repeat such feelings, which have kept fading each time.
Even if you don't love me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Even if you don't see me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Please, only look at me. Please, don’t let our hands separate.
I will walk together, the future not promised
It keeps walking together, to the future in which you are…
1 Sep 2010
Shinee - Ring Ding Dong ( Lyric + translate)
[Jonghyun] Baby
Negae banhae beorin naegae wae irae
Dureopdago mulleoseoji malgo
Geunyang naegae matgyeobwala eoddae
My lady
[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Key] Butterfly
Neoreul mannan chut sungan
Nooni beonjjeok meori stop
Belli ding dong oolleosseo
[Onew] Nan malya meotjinnom chakhannom
Geureon nomeun anijiman
Nareumdaero gwaenchaneun bad boy
[Taemin] Neodo machi butterfly
Neomu yakhae ppajeosseo
Neomu soonhae ppajeosseo
Neol gyeotae dweoyagaesseo
[Jonghyun] Deoneun geokjeongma geokjeongma
Naman mideobomyeon dwaejana
Niga neomu mamae deuleo
Nochil su eopneun geol
[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae
We gonna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So fantastic
Go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So elastic
Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantastic
Elastic, elastic, elastic, elastic
[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
[Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)
[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
[Jonghyun] I call you butterfly
Nali gamyeon galsurok
Mosi bakhyeo neoran geol
Haeyeonal su eopdaneun geol
[Key] Nareul seontaekhae (Dolikiji malgo)
Seontaekhae (Domanggaji malgo)
[Taemin] Negae ppajin baboin na
[Jonghyun] Nal chaekimjyeoya dwae
[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae
[Minho] Nan chakhadi chakhanjeunghugooni
Geollin neoreul ihae mot hagaetda
[Key] Neon gakkeumssik geureon gojung
Emijireul talpi italhaebwa gwaenchanda
[Minho] Break out ([Key] Hey! ) (x4)
Ring ding ding ding ding diggi diggi ding ding
Dong dong dong dong dong dong
[Jonghyun] Sashil nan bulanhae
Eoddeokhae nal boneunji
[Taemin] Eojjeomyeon eojjeomyeon
Naegae hogameul gatgo itneunji molla
[Onew] Etorok anjeolbujeol hal subbakae eopseo
[Jonghyun] Dolikil su eopneun geol
[Onew] Complicated girl
[Minho] Jeoldae no lan daedaphaji ma
[Jonghyun] Na gwaenchaneun namjalan geol
[Taemin] Naega michyeobeolilji molla
[Key] Don't be silly girl (Silly girl)
[Onew] You're my miracle (My miracle)
[Jonghyun] Neoman gajil su itdamyeon
Naegaen da pilyoeopneun geol
[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae
We gonna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So fantastic
Go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So elastic
Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantastic
Elastic, elastic, elastic, elastic
[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)
[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
English :
[Jonghyun] Baby
Why are you doing this to me
Who’s fallen in love with you?
Don’t step back, saying you’re afraid
Just leave it up to me
How’s that, my lady?
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Key] Butterfly
The first moment I saw you
Eyes flashing, hair swishing
The bell rang ding dong
[Onew] I mean, I’m not
A cool guy or a nice guy
I’m a decent bad boy
In my own way
[Taemin] You’re also like a butterfly
You fell because you were too weak
You fell because you were too gentle
I’ll have to put you to the side
[Jonghyun] Don’t worry, don’t worry anymore
All you have to do is only believe in me
I like you a lot, I can’t let you slip
*[All] Baby
I can’t breathe, oh crazy
You’re too pretty, I can’t take it, oh crazy
If it’s not you, I don’t need it, crazy
Why am I like this?
So fantastic
So elastic
Fantastic (x4)
Elastic (x4)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Taemin] _____ 들린다)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] It rings in my head)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] It rings in my heart)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
[Jonghyun] I call you butterfly
As days pass, nails keep driving in
I can’t free myself from you
[Key] Choose me (Don’t turn around)
Choose (Don’t run away)
[Taemin] Me, a fool, who has fallen for you
[Jonghyun] You have to take
Responsibility of me
[Minho] I can’t understand you
Who has caught the nice syndrome
[Key] Try to shed and break away sometimes
From those fixed images, it’s okay
[Onew] Break out ([Key] Hey!) (x4)
Ring ding ding ding ding
Dong dong dong dong
[Jonghyun] Honestly, I’m nervous
About how you see me
[Taemin] How, how
I don’t know if you have a good impression of me
[Onew] If it’s like this, I can only be restless
[Jonghyun] I can’t turn back
[Onew] Complicated girl
[Taemin] Never answer with a no
[Jonghyun] I’m a decent guy
[Taemin] I don’t know if I’ll go crazy
[Key] Silly girl (Silly girl)
[Onew] You’re my miracle (My miracle)
[Jonghyun] If I can just have you
I don’t need anything else
So fantastic
So elastic
Fantastic (x4)
Elastic (x4)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Taemin] _____ 들린다)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] It rings in my head)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] It rings in my heart)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
Negae banhae beorin naegae wae irae
Dureopdago mulleoseoji malgo
Geunyang naegae matgyeobwala eoddae
My lady
[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Key] Butterfly
Neoreul mannan chut sungan
Nooni beonjjeok meori stop
Belli ding dong oolleosseo
[Onew] Nan malya meotjinnom chakhannom
Geureon nomeun anijiman
Nareumdaero gwaenchaneun bad boy
[Taemin] Neodo machi butterfly
Neomu yakhae ppajeosseo
Neomu soonhae ppajeosseo
Neol gyeotae dweoyagaesseo
[Jonghyun] Deoneun geokjeongma geokjeongma
Naman mideobomyeon dwaejana
Niga neomu mamae deuleo
Nochil su eopneun geol
[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae
We gonna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So fantastic
Go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So elastic
Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantastic
Elastic, elastic, elastic, elastic
[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
[Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)
[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
[Jonghyun] I call you butterfly
Nali gamyeon galsurok
Mosi bakhyeo neoran geol
Haeyeonal su eopdaneun geol
[Key] Nareul seontaekhae (Dolikiji malgo)
Seontaekhae (Domanggaji malgo)
[Taemin] Negae ppajin baboin na
[Jonghyun] Nal chaekimjyeoya dwae
[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae
[Minho] Nan chakhadi chakhanjeunghugooni
Geollin neoreul ihae mot hagaetda
[Key] Neon gakkeumssik geureon gojung
Emijireul talpi italhaebwa gwaenchanda
[Minho] Break out ([Key] Hey! ) (x4)
Ring ding ding ding ding diggi diggi ding ding
Dong dong dong dong dong dong
[Jonghyun] Sashil nan bulanhae
Eoddeokhae nal boneunji
[Taemin] Eojjeomyeon eojjeomyeon
Naegae hogameul gatgo itneunji molla
[Onew] Etorok anjeolbujeol hal subbakae eopseo
[Jonghyun] Dolikil su eopneun geol
[Onew] Complicated girl
[Minho] Jeoldae no lan daedaphaji ma
[Jonghyun] Na gwaenchaneun namjalan geol
[Taemin] Naega michyeobeolilji molla
[Key] Don't be silly girl (Silly girl)
[Onew] You're my miracle (My miracle)
[Jonghyun] Neoman gajil su itdamyeon
Naegaen da pilyoeopneun geol
[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae
We gonna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So fantastic
Go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So elastic
Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantastic
Elastic, elastic, elastic, elastic
[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)
[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
English :
[Jonghyun] Baby
Why are you doing this to me
Who’s fallen in love with you?
Don’t step back, saying you’re afraid
Just leave it up to me
How’s that, my lady?
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Key] Butterfly
The first moment I saw you
Eyes flashing, hair swishing
The bell rang ding dong
[Onew] I mean, I’m not
A cool guy or a nice guy
I’m a decent bad boy
In my own way
[Taemin] You’re also like a butterfly
You fell because you were too weak
You fell because you were too gentle
I’ll have to put you to the side
[Jonghyun] Don’t worry, don’t worry anymore
All you have to do is only believe in me
I like you a lot, I can’t let you slip
*[All] Baby
I can’t breathe, oh crazy
You’re too pretty, I can’t take it, oh crazy
If it’s not you, I don’t need it, crazy
Why am I like this?
So fantastic
So elastic
Fantastic (x4)
Elastic (x4)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Taemin] _____ 들린다)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] It rings in my head)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] It rings in my heart)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
[Jonghyun] I call you butterfly
As days pass, nails keep driving in
I can’t free myself from you
[Key] Choose me (Don’t turn around)
Choose (Don’t run away)
[Taemin] Me, a fool, who has fallen for you
[Jonghyun] You have to take
Responsibility of me
[Minho] I can’t understand you
Who has caught the nice syndrome
[Key] Try to shed and break away sometimes
From those fixed images, it’s okay
[Onew] Break out ([Key] Hey!) (x4)
Ring ding ding ding ding
Dong dong dong dong
[Jonghyun] Honestly, I’m nervous
About how you see me
[Taemin] How, how
I don’t know if you have a good impression of me
[Onew] If it’s like this, I can only be restless
[Jonghyun] I can’t turn back
[Onew] Complicated girl
[Taemin] Never answer with a no
[Jonghyun] I’m a decent guy
[Taemin] I don’t know if I’ll go crazy
[Key] Silly girl (Silly girl)
[Onew] You’re my miracle (My miracle)
[Jonghyun] If I can just have you
I don’t need anything else
So fantastic
So elastic
Fantastic (x4)
Elastic (x4)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Taemin] _____ 들린다)
[Onew] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] It rings in my head)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] It rings in my heart)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi dingdiggi
Ding ding ding

Crascendo - Brand New Breeze (lyric)
Opening 1
anime : la'corda Do'oro primo passo
ugoiteru toki no naka
meguri ateta ne You and I
afuredasu kono omoi
kienai you ni atatamete
Kirameku mirai ni
anata to futari de itai kara
Brand New Breeze... (When you whisper to me)
Kanjita koto nai this feeling
Just for you (I'm singing just for us)
zutto nakusanai you ni
(It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend
Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
ureshii toki kanashii toki mo
mayowazu tonde yuku kara
dakishimete uketomete
egao wo misete hoshii no
anata ga iru kara
kyou mo ashita mo I can keep on going
Brand New Breeze... (When you whisper to me)
ima hajimari monogatari
Just for us... (I'm singing just for us)
zutto owaranai you ni
[Baby, I just want you to know
That you make me feel so beautiful
and no matter what happens
I'm never gonna let this go
'Cause I know that we we're meant to be
Brand New Breeze...(When you whisper to me)
ima hajimari monogatari
Just for us... (I'm singing just for us)
zutto owaranai you ni
(It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend)
Brand New Breeze... (Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
Just for us... (It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend)
zutto owaranai you ni (*Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
(It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend
Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
(It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend
Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
anime : la'corda Do'oro primo passo
ugoiteru toki no naka
meguri ateta ne You and I
afuredasu kono omoi
kienai you ni atatamete
Kirameku mirai ni
anata to futari de itai kara
Brand New Breeze... (When you whisper to me)
Kanjita koto nai this feeling
Just for you (I'm singing just for us)
zutto nakusanai you ni
(It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend
Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
ureshii toki kanashii toki mo
mayowazu tonde yuku kara
dakishimete uketomete
egao wo misete hoshii no
anata ga iru kara
kyou mo ashita mo I can keep on going
Brand New Breeze... (When you whisper to me)
ima hajimari monogatari
Just for us... (I'm singing just for us)
zutto owaranai you ni
[Baby, I just want you to know
That you make me feel so beautiful
and no matter what happens
I'm never gonna let this go
'Cause I know that we we're meant to be
Brand New Breeze...(When you whisper to me)
ima hajimari monogatari
Just for us... (I'm singing just for us)
zutto owaranai you ni
(It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend)
Brand New Breeze... (Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
Just for us... (It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend)
zutto owaranai you ni (*Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
(It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend
Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
(It's never ever gonna end, 'cause you're my real best friend
Baby, I can touch the sky and pray for awhile)
Aira Yuki - Blue sky, true sky (lyric )
Romaji :
Fairy tale was gone Omoide ga hashiru
Furenaide Tada miokureba
I said regret mind Natsukashisa ni Oborete
Tokeaeba ii yo ne Tabun ii yo ne
Kanashii Liar
Tobazu no tori ga Jiyuu wo utau hi ni
Ima ha inai kimi no sugata
Sagashi ni yuku Tooi ashita he
Jump to your heart
Toki no naka de oikakeru Kagayakeru yume ha
Mirai doushi ga tsunagaru koto de
Tashika ni naru kara
Takaku soshite tsuyoku Maiagaru kokoro
Toki ga matteru yo Sakenderu yo
Hayaku aitai to
Blue sky,True sky
Namida ha iranai Blue sky
Silent days had you Ushinaeba wakaru
Aida ni atte Mada ai ga aru
I can’t call your name Todokanai to nageita
kirameru yori mo Sora no takasa
Kanjite Flier
Tsubasa ha kienai Me wo tojite goran yo
Senaka atsuku kimi no moto he
Michibikareta you na Kimochi de
Take off! myself
Motomerareta sonzai ha Hanarebanare de mo
Jiryoku motteru hikiyoseta no ha
Sadame dearu kara
Ookiku motto ookiku Hirogeta hane ni ha
Motomete mitai yo toraetai yo
Subete dakishimete
Birds eye,Birds eye…Hi Sky!
True sky!
Toki no naka de oikakeru Kagayakeru yume ha
Mirai doushi ga tsunagaru koto de
Tashika ni naru kara
Takaku soshite tsuyoku Maiagaru kokoro
Toki ga matteru yo Sakenderu yo
Hayaku aitai to
Blue sky,True sky
Blue sky,True sky
Namida ha iranai Blue sky
Aira Yuki - Weeping Alone (lyric + Translate)
Anime : Tears to Tiara
Ending 2
Romaji :
deau tame hanare you
kimi no me ni
toki no wa ga meguri ima ni kasanaru hi made
kimi no me ni
toki no wa ga meguri ima ni kasanaru hi made
hi ga ochiru
sekaichuu koko dake no yuuyake wo
towa ni idaite nemuru darou
sekaichuu koko dake no yuuyake wo
towa ni idaite nemuru darou
tabi ha asu wo maneku
omoi wo tane ni yume egaku atarashii yume wo
omoi wo tane ni yume egaku atarashii yume wo
watashitachi sude ni mou ichido hajimari wo
kanjiteiru sora no kanata onaji iro datta
kanashimi no imi ga doushitemo katarenai
kotoba dake ja ai kara tooku naru yo to
Weeping alone
watashitachi sude ni mou ichido hajimari wo
kanjiteiru sora no kanata onaji iro datta
kanashimi no imi ga doushitemo katarenai
kotoba dake ja ai kara tooku naru yo to
Weeping alone
hikareau kokoro ni ha
nani ga aru?
atsui kodou kako no naka ni kotae wo mitemo
nani ga aru?
atsui kodou kako no naka ni kotae wo mitemo
kurai mado
hitosuji no kagayaki ga nagaresaru
fui ni negai wo tsubuyaita
hitosuji no kagayaki ga nagaresaru
fui ni negai wo tsubuyaita
tabi ni owari ha nai futatabi saki wo isogu yori
taisetsuna koto ga aru
futari wo musubu michi nara togirenu michi he
taisetsuna koto ga aru
futari wo musubu michi nara togirenu michi he
ushinawanu youni mou nido to ayamachi ha
nazoranai to te wo nobaseba kieru maboroshi ni
junsuina imi wo saa koko de atae you
yuragi no nai honoo ga tomosareru made
Lonely terror ah…
ushinawanu youni mou nido to ayamachi ha
nazoranai to te wo nobaseba kieru maboroshi ni
junsuina imi wo saa koko de atae you
yuragi no nai honoo ga tomosareru made
Lonely terror ah…
sabishisa ni oware furikaeru basho ha
sou ushinawareta hibi on your mind
sou ushinawareta hibi on your mind
watashitachi sude ni mou ichido hajimari wo
kanjiteiru sora no kanata onaji iro datta
kanashimi no imi ga doushitemo katarenai
kotoba dake ja ai kara tooku naru dake
watashitachi sude ni mou ichido hajimari wo
kanjiteiru sora no kanata onaji iro datta
kanashimi no imi ga doushitemo katarenai
kotoba dake ja ai kara tooku naru dake
ushinawanu youni mou nido to ayamachi ha
nazoranai to te wo nobaseba kieru maboroshi ni
junsuina imi wo saa koko de ataerareru nara
kotoba ha iranai deshou
Weeping alone Leave me alone
ushinawanu youni mou nido to ayamachi ha
nazoranai to te wo nobaseba kieru maboroshi ni
junsuina imi wo saa koko de ataerareru nara
kotoba ha iranai deshou
Weeping alone Leave me alone
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To meet again, we separated…
The wheels of Time turn
within your eyes until the day we meet again.
The wheels of Time turn
within your eyes until the day we meet again.
The sun sets,
out of the whole world, only this place
will embrace the sunset in eternity and sleep right?
out of the whole world, only this place
will embrace the sunset in eternity and sleep right?
This journey calls for the future,
I sketch my new dreams into my Seed of Memories.
I sketch my new dreams into my Seed of Memories.
we have already felt the beginning once again,
The other side of the sky, we realized, was the same color.
no matter what, I won’t tell you the meaning for this sadness.
“My words will get further away from love…”
Weeping alone
we have already felt the beginning once again,
The other side of the sky, we realized, was the same color.
no matter what, I won’t tell you the meaning for this sadness.
“My words will get further away from love…”
Weeping alone
What lies within our
captivated hearts?
I tried looking into our burning heartbeat of the past for the answer…
captivated hearts?
I tried looking into our burning heartbeat of the past for the answer…
A dark window,
a beam of radiance is washed away and left alone…
suddenly whispering a wish.
a beam of radiance is washed away and left alone…
suddenly whispering a wish.
This journey has no end, I once again make haste
for there is a precious thing there.
If there’s a road tying us together, then I’ll take that unbreakable road.
for there is a precious thing there.
If there’s a road tying us together, then I’ll take that unbreakable road.
in order to not lose it, “I won’t make the same mistake again”
I say as I stretch my hand towards a fading illusion.
come, I’ll offer to you a pure meaning
until you Burn into an unflickering Flame.
Lonely terror ah…
in order to not lose it, “I won’t make the same mistake again”
I say as I stretch my hand towards a fading illusion.
come, I’ll offer to you a pure meaning
until you Burn into an unflickering Flame.
Lonely terror ah…
Chasing sadness…yes, that changes any area
into the days you lost on your mind.
into the days you lost on your mind.
we have already felt the beginning once again,
The other side of the sky, we realized, was the same color.
no matter what, I won’t tell you the meaning for this sadness.
“My words will only get further away from love…”
we have already felt the beginning once again,
The other side of the sky, we realized, was the same color.
no matter what, I won’t tell you the meaning for this sadness.
“My words will only get further away from love…”
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